Terms: quick knowledge, affective labour, outsourcing, irla: an ideal rejection letter to an artist, national academy of sciences as witch, places of transparency, tongue and teeth of creativity, htp, weak disease
Franco “Bifo” Berardi in his latest book “The Age of Impotence and the Horizon of Possibility” speaks of the open system of exploitation, which young people working in the cultural industry are exposed to: art galleries, universities, publishers, magazines and newspapers exploit cognitive workers for free. In the discussion “Exploitation in the neoliberal economy of knowledge and immaterial labour” (moderated by J.Urso) we were trying to examine these issues. What is the origin of the concept of immaterial / affective labor? What is cognitive capitalism, also known as the knowledge economy? How does the exploitation of workers of immaterial labor operate? How does it all apply to the context of Belarus?