
Work Hard!
Play Hard!
~ slot of flickering co/presence ~


We invite you to practice the instructions ~ scores ~ exercises ~ scripts as a practice of dispersed collectivity β€” as an attempt to live this time through together at a distance.

These instructions and scores respond to the ~ slot of flickering co/presence ~. They involve individual or group performance at any time during the WHPH Test Test Test program or beyond it. Apart from that, Tuesday / June 23 and Sunday / June 28 in the schedule are specially allocated for these activities. We encourage everyone to discuss, share experiences and arrange joint performance in the collective chat / instruction how to use chat.


WORK HARD! PLAY HARD! test test test


Intra-Active Entanglements  / Alba Baeza

Open proposal to read β€˜Intra-Active Entanglements’, an interview with physicist Karen Barad.


Alba Baeza

Curator and writer. Currently based in Stockholm



The other way around  / Alyona Isakhanyan

Walk backwardsfor an hour. Take the hand of a companion whom you trust - he will tell you what obstacles await you on the way. Objects are receding, time is running back.

Duration of implementation: 1 hour

Alyona Isakhanyan

Artist, researcher



search of personal/collective form  / Ann Prikhodko


1st part / individual practice

✍ We make about 30-40 sheets with gestures. Gestures are best to be dictated by someone. No more than 10 seconds for each gesture.

Suggested Order :

  1. start with the same type of gestures (eg. Make sharp horizontal lines; draw one curved diagonal line without taking your hands off; a series of thin circles, etc.)

  2. alternate different gestures on one sheet (eg. First, a series of small spots, then dots)

  3. drawn one shape, but stress its character at most ( a big circle / roundness, balance; vertical / aspiration up; triangle / sharpness, angularity; fluff / tenderness, weightlessness; square / thoroughness, heaviness; ornate line / flexibility, pattern, etc.)

  4. convey the state in abstract forms (chaos / confusion, ecstasy / happiness, peace / balance, sadness, playfulness, etc.)

  5. trying to write down the text under a quick dictation, helps to show the form of the handwriting itself.

  6. draw free associations on one specific image, a fragment of text

Types of gestures and forms for analysis:

  • By strength and flexibility: sharp / smooth, rough / tender;
  • By time: short / long, continuous / continuous;
  • By degree of pressure: light / heavy, strong / weak;
  • By direction: vertical / horizontal / diagonal
  • Angularity: sharp / round, straight / curved
  • By thickness: thick / thin;
  • By textire: rough / smooth.


Go from the drawing process itself, following the emotional impulses, hand and body movement, not from an idea or image. Try to work at a pre-rational, non-conceptual level.

Gestures can be evaluated later based on an analysis of form or mood. Remove everything that seems redundant at the moment (but do not throw it away). Leave 10-15 sheets, make several compositions. Focus on the three most successful. Such reduction helps to get rid of all unnecessary, being faithful only to the most important and relevant now.

All sheets with gestures can be saved and periodically used. For example, start the day by laying out new songs.

βš‘ Purpose of practice:

Find your personal forms, psychophysical traces, gestures using automatic writing. Create an abstract series from them. Important to go from a process, and not from an idea, to its form through practice, and only after analyzing / realizing it. This practice is an attempt to come through clouded and β€œrandom” to situational clarity.

Position yourself in a mobile adequacy to the current moment.

βœ„ Material: ink, A4 sheets, brushes of different sizes and shapes.



☻ ☻ ☻

2 part / collective anarchist practice

✍ In the continuation, I propose a collective variation of the first score.

Prepare places, preferably rounded, for 5-6 people. Sit together in a round dance. Take sheets a3 / a4 and markers (pencils, color marks). Leave traces / gestures / signs on the sheets, then pass them around in circles.

Examples of algorithms: βž” draw with the hands of neighbors (your neighbor draws your hand accordingly) βž” draw, conducting a delusional monologue (a difficult task of connecting verbal and motor activities) βž” draw, simultaneously conduct subversive activities (scream phrases / slogans / appeals, in every possible way ideologically and physically distracting other painters) βž” draw with your left hand, interfering with your right hand or helping a neighbor βž” draw by a specific count, for example, transfer sheets one / two / three βž” draw for an arbitrary, unassigned account (the painter is not able to predict when time will end) βž” and so on.

You can create a panel from the resulting pictures.

Gestures are best done under the dictation of the other. No more than 10 seconds for each gesture.

βš‘ Practice goal:

  1. Playing a situation of collective creativity, when consensus, impulse and inspiring unity, are followed by controversy or even dissensus. And the final the result of creativity is poorly imaginable and optional;

  2. Training personal resistance to external stimuli;

  3. Training subversive / annoying activity.

βœ„ Material: felt-tip pens, markers sheets A4 / A3.



Duration of implementation: 30 minutes

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Materials: markers, ink, brushes of different sizes and shapes, sheets of paper a4 / a3. A team of 5-6 people + a person who agrees to act as a director.

Ann Prikhodko

artist fibber.



Body extension  / Anya Marchenkova

Instruction can be found here

Anya Marchenkova

Precarious, photographer



Becoming Cyborgian  / CommOnist-Raver

Begin with reading this: read the 1st paragraph, then from the 7th to the 13th paragraph and finally the last paragraph ending with β€œCyborg imagery can suggest a way out of the maze of dualisms in which we have explained our tools to ourselves. This is a different dream of a common language. It means both building and destroying machines, identities, categories, relationships, spaces, stories. I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess.” Take a break after reading. Now think about what you have read; Read it again if you want; Search the web about its author Donna Haraway. She wrote this in 1983! Think about what this could mean for your situation in 2020. Do you feel like a cyborg? Haraway says we are all cyborgs. What would we need to do to design and change ourselves as we want us to be and not merely buy technologies others control and own? How can we make our own cyborgian parts our own social networks in order to rave and rage against fake news, unwanted surveillance, algorithmic despotism? How could we get out of our echo chambers and filter bubbles and meet different persons, new and exciting things? Becoming cyborgian means in my opinion not escaping the system, but to work with-in the system. Send me an email with some answers if you like >> algorhythmicmachine AT googlemail DOT com

Duration of implementation: At least 60 mins, but its worth!

What is necessary to performers for its realization: A device with a browser and an email client.


CommOnist-Raver is a Berlin based writer interested in digitality and activism.



Letter/score for getting to know each other  / Daria Iuriichuk

Write me a letter (, and I will answer you. Tell me what you care about, how you feel, whether you have enough money, what idea came to your mind, what you are afraid of. Tell me how you meet new people, do you write letters to them, do you look in their eyes, how do you reveal your interest, if you like someone, are you afraid to write to strangers?

Duration of implementation: once a week

What is necessary to performers for its realization: e-mail

Daria Iuriichuk

(ex)sociophobe making friends through public affects, love letters and gazing scores.



Flash-back  / Gleb Napreenko

Do something that you’ve stopped doing during the quarantine but that you’ve done more or less regularly before.

Place and time: In the room

Gleb Napreenko

Psychoanalyst, art historian



Randevu / SIC (Short Introduction to Communication)  / Great Circus of Failure and Masha

Score for 3 participants and several spectators / guests


Participant intervals (min.)
1: 56312737
2: 4672365
3: 667727
+N ———––

GRR (General Rules of Randevu):

Participants agree on the time of β€˜Randevu’
Participants get acquainted with the score and invite guests
Guests are not acquainted with the score
One of the participants creates a group call in Skype
β€˜Randevu’ starts when all participants are present in a group call
It is advised to turn off the microphone and camera at the beginning of Randevu and to turn them on in the moment when you want to join the event
Guests can leave and return to β€˜Randevu’ during the process
Guests can react to events and join them, but it is not required
β€˜Randevu’ ends at the expiration of the score

RRP (β€˜Randevu’ Rules for the Participants):

For the each participant, active intervals alternate with the passive ones
The participant chooses by him-/herself which one to start with
The duration of the time intervals can be measured by internal sense
For each interval, the participant selects a random object (*) from the environment and interacts with it by use of the available Skype tools: sound, video, photos, text messages, screen translation Interaction tools should differ in the adjacent intervals of activity

* By an object is understood either a thing (i.e. the teapot) or a large entity (i.e. the street) or an abstraction (i.e. internal sense)

In such a way the participant broadcasts the selected object to all the others, who are present at β€˜Randevu’
Non-verbal broadcasting is recommended
It is advised to pay attention to the activity of other β€˜Randevu’ participants and use the reaction in your own activity

The score will be performed live by the authors on Sunday June 28.

Duration of implementation: 30 minutes

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Smart device with installed Skype.

Great Circus of Failure and Masha

The score β€˜Randevu’ is an attempt to formalize and structure an experience in distance communication explored by Masha Komarova and Great Circus of Failure from winter 2019 and spring 2020.
Great Circus of Faliruse was found by Masha Fomenko and Petr Laden in the spring of 2018. Working with interactive performances and new media, Circus is exploring the forms of co-creation and fragile sincere interspecies coexistence.
Masha Komarova is a Belarusian artist, currently based in Brussels. She is interested in postdramatic theatre and intermedia arts. Everyday aesthetics plays an important role in Masha’s artistic approach. The perception and experience of objects from both points of view of a spectator and a consumer afterwards find a reflection in Masha’s art works.



Appropriation  / Group ZIP

During the day, moving around the area, you need to locare the presence of mulberry trees. When you discover the fruits, it is necessary to interact with them. Eating is most preferred. During the collection process, the fruits will mark the participant with their juice. In this way the mutual appropriation will happen. At the same time, some similar activity will happen in Krasnodar.

Image caption: June is always accompanied by a bright harvest of mulberry, grown in different locations of wild nature in the city. Mulberry trees are not always immediately tangible, but when a black spot appears on the car or β€œunder the nose” on the asphalt, this is a clear sign of ripe berries.

Group ZIP

TC (techno-peasants) is a community of people who separated from the Mayak Revolution farm presumably in the Novokubansk region at the beginning of the 20th century. TC ideas find their realization in work and rest.



Healing Anti-Capitalistic Mantra Which Helps You To Welcome Your Hysterical (Non)White Self  / Ira Konyukhova and Daria Prydybailo (TransitoryWhite)

Mantra/Exercise is available for listening and practice here.

Duration of implementation: Recommended time 40 min, before lunch and after dinner.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Quiet place, convenient for meditation

Place and time: Any place, any time, preferably during hysterical states.

Ira Konyukhova and Daria Prydybailo (TransitoryWhite)

TransitoryWhite is a journal of overlapping, multi-voiced accounts documenting peripheral artistic productions. We aimed to create an intersectional platform for discussing decolonization, post-neoliberalism trauma and the possibility of dispersive views on the so-called post-communist territories. Since 2019, the platform has also operated in the trajectories of migrant and post-displacement discourse, expanding its activities from the geographical pole β€œEast” to the global. In response to the growing nationalistic discourse, it is crucial for our investigation to represent artists and theorists with different identities and ideas for the future. In this way, TransitoryWhite emphasizes the productive interaction between different multitudes rather than dualities. TransitoryWhite understands whiteness as a metaphor for colonialism, or as a white, self-contained exhibition space where the hierarchy of discourses and images is prejudiced. Instead, we turn to the idea of White Noise; a signal or constant disturbance, something cacophonic, turbulent and restless which fluctuates and transforms our perspectives.



Quiet Rendezvous  / KrΡ‘lex zentre. Maria Vilkovisky & Ruthia Jenrbekova

Choose a person_s / creature_s with whom you would like to, but cannot meet (now), because she / he / they are either no longer (or not yet) here in our (physical, terrestrial) world. Make an imaginary date with her / them in a quiet secluded place, best in a park, on a bench, by the river, etc. To do this, write him / them a note indicating the time and place, make a paper airplane out of the note and let it fly out of the window or from the bridge or from wherever in any direction. Your vis-Γ -vis must have at least three days / nights left in order to prepare for the meeting. Come to the appointed place in time. Bring any small gift with you β€” a candy, a drawing, a flower, a bead β€” whatever. Spend with your vis-Γ -vis at least quarter of an hour or more. Feel the co-presence. Talk. Tell / ask them out loud about something. Listen to her / their possible cues / responses or other reactions (air movement?). Try to utter (repeat) aloud the most clear of his / her / their remarks / thoughts / reactions to make sure that you have (not) understood them properly. When you feel like wrapping up the meeting, tell her / them about it. Please ask before leaving whether he / they enjoyed the meeting. Thank her / them for being with you. Leave your gift at the meeting place, while mentioning whom exactly it is for.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Paper, a pen, as well as any small and modest gift (anything).

KrΡ‘lex zentre. Maria Vilkovisky & Ruthia Jenrbekova

Maria Vilkovisky & Ruthia Jenrbekova are the employees of the krΡ‘lex zentre, artists and curators from Almaty.



Silence Simulator  / Lena Klab

Push the button @

Duration of implementation: 30 minutes

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Nothing.

Place and time: Any

Lena Klab

Broadly profiled person



Exercise  / Olia Sosnovskaya

Duration of implementation: ~

Olia Sosnovskaya

Olia Sosnovskaya is an artist, researcher, organizer and writer. She engages in textual, performative and visual practices, intertwining the notions of festivity, collectivity, affect, score and the political within the post-socialist contexts and beyond. Born 1988 in Minsk, Belarus.



Life Feature Hacks <> Lucid Hardware Producer  / Omsk Social Club

Create a fire, physically, sonically, digitally – concentrate on the fire, ask it a question in your head and let it reveal the answer to you, don’t try too hard just let it talk and you listen. If keywords or phrases come up, say them out loud. You can do this activity alone or in a group, speaking aloud will be heard by the whole group and the fire knows this, so don’t be shy to pass on its messages. UNLOCK THE LUCID HARDWARE.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Darkness must be present.

Omsk Social Club

Omsk Social Club is an artist collective that forks traditional methods of Live Action Role Play (Larp) through immersive installations and into Real Game Play (RGP) to induce states that could potentially be a fiction or a yet, unlived reality. Omsk works closely with networks of viewers, everything is unique and unrehearsed. The live installations they create examine virtual egos, popular experiences and political phenomena. Allowing the works to become a dematerialized hybrid of modern-day culture alongside the participant’s unique personal experiences. In the past Omsk Social Club’s Real Game Play immersive environments have introduced landscapes and topics such as rave culture, survivalism, catfishing, desire&sacrifice, positive trolling, algorithmic strategies and decentralized cryptocurrency.



Workbook  / Problem Collective

Problem Collective offers 3 methods for reading together.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Personal computer / tablet / phone / internet.

Problem Collective

Problem Collective is an artistic research group formed in Minsk (Belarus) in 2016 by Aleksei Borisionok, Uladzimir Hramovich, Alesia Zhitkevich, and Olia Sosnovskaya. Focused on archive, reading and memory politics.



Tops and roots or I don't care where to get bored  / Rodion Kitaev. Gerondot

Connect via Zoom to your plants or to the plants visible from your window. The conversation may be short or it may also be a start for close cooperation, like videoclip production or a series of sketches.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: a computer and a smartphone(s) or two smartphones

Place and time: In the room

Rodion Kitaev. Gerondot

I am an illustrator and an artist. I live in Moscow. Here you can see my works:



ASMR gifts  / Sasha Smirnova and Sena Partal

Find a calm place to listen to the audio. Make sure that there is no background noise. Get a pair of headphones and plug them into your listening device; it’s important to experience the piece in full. Close your eyes and focus only on what you hear.

Sasha Smirnova and Sena Partal

Sasha Smirnova is an artist with a background in architecture and urban research. Through her artistic practice, she explores political, social and emotional dimensions of emerging technologies. Sena Partal is a researcher and interaction designer. Her focus is speculating on people’s communication with designed technologies. Together they work on the topics of mental wellbeing and mindfulness as ideology; collective psychology as a political tool; and community-based alternatives to corporate products. To address these topics, they use both research and time-based media.



Shift  / The vocal-instrumental ensemble Red Hogweed


  1. Bend forward, then turn your upper body a bit to the left. Stretch your right arm to the right. Left arm stays along the body (relaxed). Stay in that posture for 10 seconds.

  2. Sit down. Pull up your legs. Embrace your legs with your arms. Rest your head on the knees. Sway from side to side for 1 minute.

  3. Make one step forward with your left leg. Raise your arms, and put your hands behind your head a little. Arch your back following your arms. Stay in that posture for a minute. Do the whole ritual over starting with your right leg.


  1. Stand for 1 minute.

  2. Lie on the ground for 1 minute.

  3. Get down on your knees. Put your palms together in front of you. Put your hands up. Stay still for 1 minute.

  4. Get up. Spread your legs wide. Bend your arms at the elbows and press them to you. 1 minute.

  5. Drop to your knees. Wrap your arms around your head. 1 minute.

  6. Lie on your back, lift one leg. 1 minute.

  7. Lower your leg. Spread your legs wide. Raise both hands. 1 minute.

  8. Roll over on your side. Close your eyes with your free hand. 1 minute.

  9. Stand up. Do not unbend your back completely. Stand hunched over for 1 minute.


  1. Make a step forward.

  2. Look around.

  3. Rest your eyes on something that caught your attention.

  4. Create a motion/symbol of what caught your attention.

  5. Make a step back.

  6. Spin round and round. Stop looking in a new direction.

  7. See p. 1)


  1. Close your eyes.

  2. Imagine you are dreaming.

  3. Move like in a dream.

  4. Wake up.

  5. Make your morning ritual.


  1. Bend forward, bending your waiste and knees as well.

  2. Raise your head.

  3. Vote for the right one.

  4. Speak out loud, telling about that.

  5. Feel how your body takes roots.

  6. Recall names of your near and dear.

  7. Take roots.

  8. Repeat after you feel it’s enough.


  1. Pretend to look on water. 10 minutes.

  2. Raise as if the water burnt you.

  3. Heal your wounds.

The vocal-instrumental ensemble Red Hogweed

β€œRed Hogweed” is a group of artists and artists from different cities of Belarus who, as one organism, explore the themes of exclusion / inclusion, physicality and sexuality. Each and every project participant is an independent artist, but together we have a lot more solutions and forms.



Once again  / Tony Trubitsyna

0. think of a period of time.

0.4. How long does it take you to come when you masturbate?

How many minutes do you need to get out of bed in the morning?

How many hours do you write a poem or look out the window, or decide to come up to speak with someone?

How many seconds do you talk on the phone with mom and grandmother?

How many moments would you like your orgasm to last?

How long would you like to lie in the bathroom and in the sun?

How many minutes do you eat a bowl of soup?

How long does your talk about breaking up last?

How much do you understand that you no longer love? And when do you forget / forgive the insult?

How much time do you need to notice that you are offended?

How much time passes before you can take a person by the hand? And trust him?

How long have you been eating ice cream?

How long did your shortest love last? How many times during this time would you have time to flip through a feed on instagram?

1.3. Take one of the above or select yours slot of time.

2.1. Determine the exact length of time during which you made the selected action or inaction (for this you can do it with a stopwatch or restore it in memory by calendar, diary, email or instant messengers).

2.9. Set yourself reminders on your phone. Live an hour at these intervals (if your slot is up to 15 minutes) or a day if more than an hour. If you want to live a longer period, put a reminder on the day and current time, sign what this reminder is about. You can mark this period, both in the future and in the past.

3.2. Live one period of time different from usual minutes and seconds.

4.1. Share what exactly you have lived and by which slots in any way convenient for you with the hashtag #Π΅Ρ‰Π΅Ρ€Π°Π·ΠΎΠΊ #onceagain or in tour specially made chat in Discord.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Alarm clock or phone

Tony Trubitsyna

Tony Trubitsyna is researcher, curator, artist. She obtained her first degree in graphic design (2009), before going on to take a specialist degree in contemporary Russian art in the Art History Department of the Russian State University for the Humanities (2014). She has worked in the Research Department of Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow since 2015. At the moment she is in charge of a publication on self-organized initiatives in Russia based on the project Open Systems. Self-Organized Art Initiatives in Russia since 2000. She also co-curated, then curated, the Open Systems exhibitions (2016-2018), which took place in 8 cities in Russia. In 2017, Trubitsyna and Elena Ischenko created a research exhibition, Between Fatigue: Towards the New Forms of Life for the parallel programme of the 4th Urals Industrial Biennale of Contemporary Art, in Yekaterinburg, for which they were nominated for the Russian State Innovation Award for Curator of the Year, in 2018. Alena Tereshko’s solo exhibition titled Β«This AppleΒ», curated by Antonina, was presented in the Moscow Museum of Modern Art, in 2019. Her curatorial interests focus on gender and feminism problematic in relation to body practices and language structure.



Bring out your dead  / Vladivostok school of contemporary art

Offer the group individual formats for getting rid of obsessive thoughts: breathing practices, hypnosis, confession. Practice the methods that will be offered to you. Stop at the one that helped you most to take a fresh look at your inner β€œlice” and love them.

Make a collage herbarium of your triggers, anxieties, intolerances.

Bake pastries or bread daily for a week, condemning the dough to your β€œweaknesses”, traits of your character that β€œinterfere” with your kin. Feed the pastries to the pigeons, leave the bread on the sidelines.

Shave baldly, do it slowly, speaking your β€œdisadvantages”, take them and shave them off at the same time.

Sew in the clothes that you most often wear a white thread, at least 30 cm long. Think about your past losses and failures when you sew it. Iron these stitches each time you wear this garment. Feel your skin through this line of sewn thread. Get rid of your clothes as soon as you are ready to get rid of your inner β€œlice”.

Drink a course of pills removing worms from your body.

What is necessary to performers for its realization: Love to yourself. Shaving machine. Oven. Pills from helminth. Notebook.

Place and time: During a week at home working after all as well.

Vladivostok school of contemporary art

VSCA practices unification based on an analysis of how, by whom and what knowledge is produced. The acronym VSCA is reduced by the group members themselves to VSA (which in Russian may be read LICE if not acronym) in the first days of the founding of the team, which indicates that the reduction, in the opinion of the group, inevitably leads to the acquisition of a new one.
